Monday, November 30

isn't she lovely?

This morning I finally got the knock on the door I've been waiting for - the UPS man! I knew it was my ticking stripe, and I was sooooo excited. Three whole yards of nautical adorableness! This is that "special update" I mentioned this morning;)

Because I already had the upholstering supplies on hand, and it's such a tiny bench, it literally took me about five minutes to upholster the little seat. Luckily, I'd gone ahead and painted the bench a few days ago while I was re-painting some old frames, so I didn't even have to worry about that. Just a buncha clicks with the staple gun and voila! Once again, don't forget you can always click the pictures for closer inspection.

If you aren't familiar with the project, you can click here and here to read about it. I still have about 2 1/2 yards left, and I am looking forward to coming up with fun ways to use it:)

Love it!


  1. loving the cute! also loving the pink tree from your last post...

  2. Janie Mooney30/11/09 8:10 PM

    How adorable! It turned out beautifully. :-) Great job!

  3. This is absolutely charming. I bought a pretty beat up chair that has the most amazing design on the feet and on the backside. Can what you did here work for a chair too?

    And I'm from San Diego too :)


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