Friday, October 30

my new friend

My adorable new bench is here!
I picked it up from the seller last night and had a little photo shoot with it before I left for work this morning. Isn't it so cute? Oh and by the way, those pillows in the yellow chairs were made for me by my Aunt Becky, and the yellow chairs used to be covered in a horrible, tattered, 1970's floral pattern.

Here's the top of the little stool, isn't the upholstery awful? I can't wait to rip it off and replace it.
Here's a closeup of the cute little legs. I'm hoping to be able to start sanding and priming this afternoon. I still haven't found any pale gray stripes so I can't reupholster it yet:( The lady that sold it to me said that it belonged to her grandparents, so I'm guessing it's at least from the 30's or 40's? I promised her I'd send a picture to her once it's all fixed up and she was very excited.

More to come!

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