Friday, October 30

top five halloween memories

Jemima's first Halloween

So my buddy Jilly
and I have decided to do Top Five Fridays and Must Have Mondays to start and end the work week. Since today falls on the day before Halloween, it seemed only appropriate that we start with Top Five Halloween Memories.

1. The Bunny Rabbit: One of my earliest memories is going as a little bunny. I remember my parents taking me to a harvest festival where they had a little pen with real bunnies that you could pet. I still remember sitting down, petting the bunnies and hoping that my costume would fool people and they would think that I was a real bunny, too.

2. The Bumble Bee: One of my favorite costumes was my bumble bee costume in about 2nd grade. I liked it because it had a giant stinger on the back, and even though it was harmless, I was able terrorize the other kids (particularly my younger brothers) by running around pointing my bottom at them.

3. The Convict: For the back story, you can check out Jillian's hilarious account (click here), but the abbreviated version is that David Moser was an escaped convict on the loose in Oxford the week before Halloween. They finally caught him hiding in the woods behind Wendy's the day before my sorority Halloween party. We had planned to go as something else, but the turn of events inspired me and my date and I went as - you guessed it - David Moser and Wendy's. We were the only ones who had that idea, and I'm proud to say we were a HUGE hit. Here I am with my buddy Claire in my Wendy's getup.

4. The Pumpkin Carving: This isn't one particular memory, but every year my husband and I do a little tradition. We go to a local pumpkin patch, each pick out our own pumpkin (and one for Jemima!), and on the way home we get apple cider and a pumpkin carving kit. We sit out on the porch and carve our pumpkins while drinking our cider, then we put them on display and have our little lighting ceremony. After we take pictures of the pumpkins, we cook dinner together and watch a spooky movie! I look forward to doing this for the rest of our lives:)

5. The Death of Ghostie: Ghostie was a cute little stuffed ghost that did a silly dance and sang the Adam's Family theme song. You know, like those creepy Santa Clause figures that dance to Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree in the Cracker Barrel restaurant stores from September to January every year. Someone, I think it was Claire, brought little Ghostie into our apartment just before Halloween. I'm not really sure what gave us the idea, but we decided to light him on fire one night. We took him out into the breezeway where our neighbors, a bunch of rowdy Kappa Alphas, were all too eager to join in. A few minutes, several lighters, and a few squirts of lighter fluid later, Ghostie was struggling to make it through the first "dun-nah-nah-nah *click*click*" of the theme song while his head was aflame.
Poor little Ghostie didn't deserve that. He never hurt nobody.

To the girls of 1312: Hizapite Halloweeneezie! To my mother, my Aunt Becky and my imaginary other readers, Happy Halloween:)


  1. Love the pic of you and J-Bones and the account of ghostie is a-mazing. Happy Halloween buddy!

  2. hahaha, love all the halloween memories. and poor little ghosty :( you are right, he didn't do anything wrong. hope y'all have a Happy Halloween!!!


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