Monday, November 30

weekend review

Hope everyone enjoyed their extended weekend and Thanksgiving holiday:) Here's what Mr. and Mrs. F were up to over the weekend.

Friday morning I cleaned up the massive mess that we made doing our Thanksgiving day celebrations, and the hubs went in to work for a few hours. I was bummed about this because he planned to work the entire day, but he surprised me by coming home around 2:00 instead. Yay! My sweet family was celebrating their Thanksgiving on Friday, and they surprised me by calling while they were all together and passed the phone around so everyone could say hi. I was feeling a little sad and lonely being so far away while my extended family was all together, so this meant the world to me!

one of the pictures for my Etsy shop

Late Friday afternoon we decided to go to an antique book store just around the corner from our home, and ended up staying there for 2 hours! I had been there before, in fact, it's where I bought this book, but he hadn't. We had so much fun looking through old books, and we found some pretty funny stuff. In one book (I forgot to take a picture) a little girl had written her name and age, and dated it April, 1922! Then the name had been crossed out in pencil, and below it another child with the same last name had signed it and dated it, and specified that he was 8 1/2 years old. I guess big sister had handed it down, and little brother wanted it to be known that it was HIS book now.

We also found a book called "Celebrate Yourself", so I did. this is me giving myself the "YES!!" fist pump ... and an insanely large book about getting rid of garden pests. I can't imagine that there could be 600 pages worth of information on the subject, but apparently there is.

There was a Tuesday Morning next door, and I wanted to look at their Christmas decorations. We didn't end up getting any decorations, but we did walk away with a trivia video game system with two extra trivia cartridges for only 7 dollars total! Then we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant, and they love us (we're there all the time!) so they hooked us up with TONS of food for just under 8 bucks. I was so impressed that we got all of this awesomeness for under 15 dollars that yes, I took a picture. By the way, while he beats me at the "Everything" trivia cartridge, I can kick his booty at the History one. My parents would be so proud!

Saturday afternoon we hit up a bunch of sales (we're not brave enough to do the Black Friday thing), and found some pretty good deals. While I was at Michael's brainstorming cheap Christmas decor ideas for the blog, my husband ran over to the kids craft section and dressed up as my knight in plastic amour, bringing synthetic flowers to his Lady Fair. I also discovered that Michael's carries these adorable little pink Christmas trees, which reminded me of this amazing tree you may have seen on Martha Stewart's website.

I gave it a hug, but Mr. F is not into the idea of having it in our home. Boo.

Sunday was the usual Church, Bible study and lunch routine (all three were excellent), and Sunday afternoon I had my husband work on setting up the bank accounts and PayPal to go with my Etsy shop. I tried to do it myself a few days ago and failed miserably. Then we got out the Christmas decorations (so exciting) and sorted through those. They're still in boxes for now, though. We got dressed up and headed off to take our pictures, but they're less than stellar. I'm fairly certain we'll end up re-doing them. There just aren't any I'm crazy about. Sunday night we cooked a big dinner together then headed off to bed!

So that was our weekend. Don't forget to check back later today for Must-Have Monday, and if all goes according to plan, a special update!

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