Sunday, November 29

that didn't go well

So I'm thinking we may not even
have one usable picture from today's little Christmas card photo shoot. There's a beautiful little viewing area just a few blocks from our apartment where you can see mountains, a church steeple, several different towns in Orange County, and on a clear day you can even see downtown LA! The view looked gorgeous, but we didn't. Boo. Maybe we can try again next weekend. As always, don't forget that you can click the pictures for a closer look!

This is me standing with Jemima while the Mister tries to get the light just right. Ignore the look on my face, I was mid-sentence when he snapped this picture.

There were some wild bunny rabbits playing nearby, and once Jemima spotted them it was impossible to get her to look at the camera.

The only picture I liked of myself out of about 55 pictures ... and of course I'm the only one in it. Not sure what that says about me!

Jemima trying to take off. Check out her massive silver bow.

Jemima and I ruined this picture by not looking cute, but look how gorgeous that husband of mine is. Mmmm mmm mm!

Trying to fix Jemima's bow ... right as the self-timer went off.

So there's our little comedy of errors. Hopefully we can get our act together in time to send these out!

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