Friday, April 15

the townhouse, one year later: part II

I was pretty surprised when I saw this picture of our living room's humble beginnings. Bare walls, a Target coffee table that was falling apart at the seams, a saggy old sofa .... it needed help! I think the only things in this room that haven't changed are the end table/lamp, the library dresser, and my toilet paper roll art.

The first step of decorating the room was adding these shelves. I had wood cut at Home Depot to mount on the brackets I got at anthro. I found a glass coffee table on Craigslist that I spray-painted aqua, pulled out some selections from my coffee table book collection, and my mama bought me a jute rug, pillows, and ...

Mitzie! She's the crowning glory of my 20th century portrait collection:) I also painted and re-covered these chairs, and accessorized with flowers and knick-knacks.

One of my favorite things in the entire house came a few months later in the form of the Petrie sofa. We've had it almost a year now, and I still can't believe my eyes every time I walk downstairs and see it. It's my baby and I love it!

The white Louis chairs got a make-over with some bold orange stripes, and I added two more portraits, one of them being a Christmas gift from my thoughtful hubby, to the wall. I liked that the chairs brought in a more bold, modern touch, and I started craving even more modernness .... Modernity? Modernification?

Which brings us to today. New chairs with more mid-century lines have replaced the orange ones, my grandparent's portraits have joined the right side of the wall, and various other art has been added as well.

This marquee-letter lamp is something I made myself using this tutorial from design*sponge. I used a very 1920's-looking typeface, which I love. The teensy little painting right above it is an original painting that was a gift from my Papa and Neenah when I was a young girl. I treasure it so much! Also shown here: the newest addition to my beloved collection of Wolfe birds. My mama got me this one for my birthday this year and I think he might be my new favorite:)

The wood/tape/frond monstrosity on the far left is just a mock-up of a project I'm working on, so don't be alarmed. The framed sketch hanging next to it is something I drew by hand on card-stock, but before you get all impressed and think I'm an artistic genius, I was just copying this sketch by Picasso:

 The picture in the frame is of me as a little girl:

My husband loves this picture of me because he says I look soooo proud of my itty bitty fish, haha:)

This side of the room really hasn't changed that much, with the exception of a new coffee table, a few different pictures and such on the shelves, and two new benches. They started out as these sad little guys, which I got for $5 each:

A fresh coat of paint and some burlap-style upholstering later, and they were good as new!

And here's where the quality of the pictures I'm posting takes a nose-dive. I tried to get a shot of the benches in their natural habitat, but for the life of me I can't operate the flash on our camera correctly, and it was getting too dark in the room to count on natural light like I usually do.

For fun, here's one last before and after of the living room, followed by a poll!


in between:


Which do you prefer? The ultra-white, simple, shabby chic before,  the vintage-inspired, orange-stripe-chair in between, or the more artsy, bohemian, colorful after?


  1. I love all the changes you have made! :)

  2. my vote is for the in between stage.

  3. I love all the styles! Prob. the middle one is my favorite. That's so funny that you made the "F" light from D*S! I bookmarked it to do for our new house when we move!

  4. The after is great, but I do like the Louis chairs better. They hold up a little better next to the dresser and the stripes are great. I do like your modern chairs, but they look overpowered by the dresser, at least in the photo...

  5. Kayla Calcote17/4/11 9:42 PM

    My vote is the middle. Just enough color and accessories.

  6. Thanks so much for the feedback, guys! It's so great getting honest, outside opinions!

  7. I'd vote for the middle picture. Love the orange stripes with a touch of aqua accesories. Great combo.

  8. I just love your style! It's so incredible to me how you put all this together from a blank canvas and random pieces you've fixed up. So talented! My vote is for the last one. I like the whole artsy-bohemian vibe - it seems to suit you. :)

  9. I too like the middle ground between the two. I had a big crush on those orange stripe chairs though, so that probably sways my opinion. I do love the marquee diy from the newest look, its fab!

  10. Awesome! I really like your aesthetic and love seeing all the progress you've made :)

  11. My vote is for the middle one or the last one, but I love all three really!

  12. The last one for sure!

  13. saltyshopper19/4/11 9:31 AM

    I vote for the middle one-I love the orange stripe chairs-they were really bold and modern.

  14. you are adorable and so is your living room! I have to be honest and I am just not feeling the new coffee table. I love the glass table the best. The rest of the room looks awesome.


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