Wednesday, November 25

they call it mellow yellow

Not all of my little make-over projects
have quite gone as planned. I bought some vintage ice cream parlor chairs from the 1950's when I was a junior in college, and they were my second ever antique purchase. The white paint was extremely dingy and had chipped off to reveal a not-too-cute rusty look beneath, and the leather seats had probably once been a nice pale yellow, but they were cracked and stained from years of abuse. I left them like that for years, but once I got some practice making over furniture I knew I could get them back to their original cuteness, so I whipped up this color scheme and started shopping.

I wanted to save myself some trouble by simply spray painting them, so I headed to Home Depot to pick out a color. I found a can of spray paint that claimed to be the yellow color you see above, a lovely light shade. I wanted to find some black and white stripes for the seat upholstery, but after extensive searching (why do fabric stores never have cute stripes???) I gave up and settled on polka dots. I had a picture in my mind of how these chairs would turn out, and it was nothing like this:

Yuck. Maybe some people would like them, but those aren't me at ALL! I was so disappointed in how they turned out. Rather than my lovely pale yellow, I ended up with what I dubbed "Yield Sign Yellow". Never trust those spray paint cans when they say the paint matches the color of the top of the can! And looking back, I don't know why I settled on polka dots when what I really wanted was stripes. I guess I just got lazy.

The chairs stayed like this for several months, because in order for me to re-upholster them, my poor husband had to totally disassemble them, and lots of the nuts and bolts had rusted over. It took him forever, and I didn't have the heart to tell him I wanted to do it all over again. Several months later I did this piano bench and I had some paint and fabric left over. Since a good bit of time had passed and he liked how the bench turned out, I figured it would be OK to put him to work again.

Much better:)

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