Wednesday, November 25

Martha, Martha, Martha!

When it comes to food and decor, I imagine every woman in America feels a bit like a Jan to Martha's Marcia. We'll never be as cool, popular or talented as the the original domestic goddess herself, Martha Stewart, but it's fun to try. You may remember from this post that I recently tried to re-create a Halloween cake from Martha's website with dreadful results, but I'm undeterred and will probably try again next year.

If you've got guests coming over tomorrow and you need some last minute table-decorating ideas, these are a few gems from that can be created pretty easily (or so she says). I've included the links to each of the projects, just look for the words that are light green!

If you want your place cards to have a bit of whimsy, I think it's such a cute idea to cut a little slot in a wine cork and put the cards in there.

I love this little Mayflower boat ... isn't it so cute? If you don't want to bother with the templates and making the paper boat, you could put some of that green foam made for flower arrangements in a gravy boat, then make a little flower arrangement where the flowers are grouped tightly together with very short stems, and have the little sails coming out of that. If you don't want to deal with the flowers and foam, you could fill the gravy boat with nuts or candy. I haven't actually tried any of that and just thought of it today, so if you try it and it's a disaster, don't blame me:)

I love this little turkey because it looks like a slightly-more-grown-up version of the sorts of arts and crafts projects we made in kindergarten as kids. Martha recommends putting Thanksgiving trivia on the feathers, but I think it would be cute to write reasons why you're thankful for the person (like Charlie, in this picture) on the five feathers. It would take a little extra work, but hopefully if you know them well enough to be sharing Thanksgiving dinner with them, you know them well enough to be able to come up with five reasons you're thankful for them:)

Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for a special edition of Top Five Friday! We're making it a "Thankful Thursday" instead, and we'll be listing 5 things we're thankful for.

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