Monday, November 2

the weekend

Hope everyone (all three of you!) had a great weekend. We had a very relaxed weekend around here. Saturday we went to our Bible study's "Roux 'n' Brew" where we made gumbo (the roux part) and beer (the brew part). I don't drink beer, so I can't report on that, but the gumbo was pretty tasty. We have a great group of people in our Bible study .. it's all people that are post-college and pre-having kids.

I was asked to bring dessert, and I decided to make an adorable little graveyard cake that I found on Martha Stewart's website. The results are shown in the picture below, and I bet you can't even tell which cake is Martha's and which cake is mine, right?

Seriously, this thing deserves a spot on CakeWrecks, but I did my best. Only one person ate it, and I'm pretty sure she just felt sorry for me. Everyone else was suddenly terribly "full" when it came to dessert time. I kept trying to tell everyone that it was just your run-of-the-mill butter cake from a Duncan Hines box, but they all insisted they just "couldn't make room for it". I can't blame them, this picture is more of a before shot. By the time the gumbo was done cooking, hours had passed since I'd taken this picture, and it was sort of sinking in the middle and quite soggy-looking. Baking is just not my thing, no matter how hard I try!

After church on Sunday we made veggie burgers and a salad, and then I got to work on my new bench!

I taped off the hardware, sanded it down with the help of the trusty sanding tool I'm holding there, and primed it. It's already looking so cute, even with the flat white primer. I found another fabric store a few minutes away, but haven't been able to stop in yet. I'm hoping to be able to go after work today and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll have some ticking stripe!

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