Monday, November 2

do you know what today is?

Why today is Must-Have Monday, of course! I thought very hard about what my first Must-Have was going to be .. I wanted it to be extra cool since it's our first one. The thing I finally settled on will probably only interest me, but I'm too infatuated to care. So without further ado:

These are classic books re-printed by Penguin, with the covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith. Aren't they gorgeous? They've been out in the UK for awhile, but they just got released in the US recently. I actually was going to try and go to the trouble of ordering a few of them from the UK a few months ago, but I got distracted. I'm glad I did, because it will be much cheaper to get them over here:)

Each book has a theme, some more subtle than others, that coordinates with the book. Alice In Wonderland (one of my favorites of the collection) has pink flamingos on the cover - a reference to the game of croquet. The Picture of Dorian Gray has peacock feathers, a more abstract symbol of his self-centered ways. I think the contrast of white chandeliers against the navy blue cover of Great Expectations is gorgeous, too.

So that's it for this Monday! Don't forget to tune in Friday for Top Five Friday!

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