Tuesday, November 24

come sail away with me

Remember when I said I made
some new art in in this post? Well, here it is:) Of course, calling it "art" may be a stretch, but I'm proud of it because I thought of it myself. I wanted a new print, and I thought it would be fun to do a technical-looking sketch of a sailboat rather than a whimsical one. I started looking through sketches of boats, and found one that had the parts labeled.

I combined a few different pictures of boats I liked to come up with this little guy, then got ready to label it. We have a subtle French theme going on in our home, so I thought why not label it in French?

I love it. My dear Jilly suggested I open up an Etsy shop, and I'm thinking this could be a really cute start to my store. Maybe a whole series of them with things like airplanes, sewing machines and coffee makers.


  1. I'd buy one! It's really gorgeous.

  2. So I just showed my mom your blog and she was quite impressed with all your projects you've taken on. I'm fairly certain she will love her 'L' print.

  3. Aww thanks Jilly!! I'm so excited I have my first official customer. Going to the printers tomorrow!


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