Monday, November 23

why it's almost like being in looooove

How can you not fall instantly in love
with this kitchen? The hanging light fixtures, the hardwood floors, the old chair ... the pink refrigerator. Oh, that pink refrigerator. Love at first sight!

Once I stopped drooling over it, I set out on Google to find one of my very own. It had to be pink, and it had to have that same retro look. I'm thrilled to say I found just what I was looking for!

This website
has a selection of Northstar Refrigerators that are exactly what I had in mind. And click here to see their adorable color selection! Here is their pink fridge:

So adorable. Of course, they run from about 3,000 to 5,000 ... so when we do invest in one eventually, it's highly unlikely that I'll be able to convince my husband that we should sink several thousand dollars into some massive pink appliance. But no worries, I'm just as enamored with this white one. Can't you just see Lucy running to this fridge when Ethel comes up to borrow some butter?
So that's my Must-Have for today. Happy refrigerating!

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