Wednesday, March 30

pictures galore (as promised)

I'm back home in San Diego after a whirlwind week in the southland! I'm very happy to be reunited with my handsome hubby and my cuddly doggy, but I sure do miss my family! Here are a few random pictures I snapped over the past few days:

my brothers grilling out.

my brother Daniel hanging out on the back patio.

me and my mama:)

my little sister, Lizzie - we had a photo shoot!

she's so pretty:)

Lizzie's dog (and my nephew), Buddy.

As I mentioned before, I brought the "fancy" camera home for the wedding, and while I was home I took about a billion pictures of my home, sweet home in Mississippi:) I only had time to take pictures of the outside and downstairs, with the exception of a few pictures (like the one above) that I snapped of my bedroom. I'll be back with a pretty funny post about my bedroom later, but for now, get ready for an assault of pictures of my parent's house, including some from our wedding!

... then come back here for comments because there's no comment form on the tour page!


  1. Oh come on! Your family's home is beautiful! I am swooning...SWOONING I tell you! I have a love of old homes. Old homes get bonus points if they are in the south and have tree lined driveways! Just wow!

  2. That house is breath-taking! Seems like it holds a thousand stories! Very charming.

  3. Daisies - Thank you SO much! Believe it or not, the house is just 10 years old! Crazy, right? My mom used an architect from Colonial Williamsburg to help her get every single detail of the Colonial-style design just right.

    E- Thank you! I just checked out your blog and I love it already!

  4. wowsa! what a house. i don't think i'd have ever moved out! the woodwork, flooring and windows alone are amazing. i lost track of how many fireplaces there were. 4 or 5? really, really beautiful. and you and your mom look like sisters.


  5. Janet - Awww, thank you! I adore your style and so does my mom so I know your kind words will mean a lot to her:) A cool thing about the floors is that they were never sealed, so that way they will age naturally and develop their own hue and patina as the years (and foot traffic) roll on:)

  6. The house. The grounds. The whole setting is idyllic! So beautiful! I cannot believe the house was built only 10 years ago!

  7. MG that house is incredible!! i love that both the front and back of the house look like they could be the front. i know that's weird but such a cool idea! Everything about the house is perfect, i can't believe it's only 10 years old! The Archways, the fireplaces, the side porch, it's all beautiful!!

  8. Absolutely beautiful home. It is so perfectly home and I was shocked that it is that new! The photo of you and your husband on your wedding day in front of the home and the trees is breath taking. Just gorgeous and the inside looks like a decorator lives there, now I know where you get your wonderful taste and style for home decor!

  9. Wow. I have no words really, that house is just incredible!!! Straight out of a movie or a magazine. Your photography of it was also fabulous. Can't believe it's only 10 years old! Well, easy to see where you get your flair for design - your mama's home is amazing!

  10. Your parents' home is beautiful!

  11. Awww I see my little self in the picture of you leaving!! :)

  12. This house is so stunningly gorgeous. I don't think I would ever leave!!


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