Saturday, March 26

My precious Mary Claire's wedding was today:) It's now midnight and I am WAY too tired to try and re-cap the day ... or even caption all these pictures, BUT I'm dying to throw some snapshots from today up on the blog and don't feel like waiting until a time when I can sit down and type something more thought-out, so without further ado .... check out today's wedding pics!

Me and my brother John.

My little sister!

Me with my brother Sam, and my brother John again:)

Me and my parents:)

Mary Claire and Mary Grace: BFF's since 1988!

Dancing with the bride.


  1. Beautiful pics! Love the one of you with your parents. They are among my "keep running" inspirations ever since you posted that pic of them finishing the ironman together! Congratulations to your bestie!! :)

  2. I so adore weddings. Looks like a precious time.

  3. love it!!!

  4. Hey, Mary Grace! This is Haley from Anthro :) I am sooo glad you gave me your blog address because I just stalked it, and love it! You are so very creative and inspiring! I really enjoyed meeting you and your sweet mama and sister yesterday. Y'all are precious! Hope you made it back safely today.

    P.S. LOVE the pictures from Mary Claire's wedding :) What a sweet time together, I'm sure!

  5. Weddings are such fun events. Looks like you had a great time. The pics are so cute and your hair is perfect with that dress! :)

  6. Hey Mary Grace! Did you get my email of the rocking chair pictures? I love the pictures from the wedding! Have a great week!


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