Thursday, March 24

OOTD: airport style

This is me this morning, with my bags packed and ready to go to this girl's wedding! Now I'm at the Houston Hobby airport for my layover, probably looking a bit worse for the wear than I am in that picture;)

Shoes: TOMS
Scarf: Anne Taylor Loft
Cardigan: J. Crew

Here's the adorable little bride herself:)  I'm so excited to see her and celebrate her wedding that I only slept a few hours last night! 

Side note: we finally got our "fancy" camera fixed, and it's sitting right here next to me as my carry-on, so I can FINALLY get some pictures of my parent's home and my mama's awesome decor and furniture without having to rely on my cell-phone camera!

Stay tuned for pictures galore.


  1. awww, it's so exciting when friends get married! have a blast! can't wait to see pics!

  2. Oh you always look so cute! I love these posts that I've been seeing more often of bloggers sharing their outfit of the day with where they bought it. Perhaps when I get my fancy camera I will start doing this as well.

    Have a great trip!

  3. That is one heck of a travel bag you're holding. Almost as big as you! Too cute! Have a great trip and happy wedding to your friend. :)

  4. You are too cute for words, mg!

  5. Hey Mary Grace!!! I hope you have a blast!!!


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