Monday, March 21

my latest search-and-rescue project

In case you haven't noticed, I aDORE anything mid-century. Unfortunately for me,  everyone else in San Diego adores mid-century furniture too, so owning an actual piece of Danish mid-century furniture will set you back a pretty penny.

Unless you happen to discover it in the furniture graveyard at Pat's! (Check out my friend Becca risking life and limb to dig out a lovely cane-back chair)

That's where I found this sad little beauty, which I believe I ended up paying something like $8 for. 

It was in pretty sad shape from sitting outside for months, but I about flipped when I got it home and spotted the original Danish manufacturer's sticker from 1959. EEeeeEEeek!!!

It took a lot of work to sand it down, Oxy-clean the mold away, and replace the broken seat.

Then I conditioned and stained the wood and re-upholstered the seat.

I'm sooooo proud of the results! Let's get one more look at the before:

and the after!

I'm in love.


  1. That looks amazing! I love the color of the fabric you used! I just came to the realization that the dinning room table that I got from my mom is a Danish piece! I saw almost the same exact one (if not exactly the same) on off I crawled under our table and found that little black sticker!

  2. I love it! Bech's grandmother immigrated here from Denmark in her late 20's. That's how we got that awesome Danish desk (it was actually in Bech's room as a kid). She has a bunch of other furniture, but unfortunately I think Bech's aunt has already laid claim to it :(

  3. it looks awesome!! love the color and the wood glows!

  4. oh wow it's beautiful!!!

  5. Mary-Grace, you are amazing. Seriously amazing. That is all.

  6. Beautiful! Your chair turned out so great!

  7. The color of the fabric is so nice! Well, the whole chair is too, of course, but I especially love that color. What kind of fabric is that if you don't mind my asking?

  8. love, love, love it!

  9. That is sheer awesome. But you know what's more awesome? The three pictures of the little girl in the background. Please tell me that's you!

  10. Adorable, as usual!

  11. That is an awesome little chair makeover you just pulled off! Well done!
    I doubt I would have seen it's potential in that enormous pile of chairs.....

  12. Daisies and Marley - I am so jealous of your mid-century furniture! Marley ... if you ever decide to break into your Aunt's house and steal all of it, I'll assist you! My fee is 25% of the furniture.

    Polyvorina - Thank you! To be honest I'm not really sure. I dug the fabric out of the scrap bin so it didn't have any markings, but it's sort of felt-ish?

    Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone!

    Kelli-Anne - LOL, it sure is! It's me in a lion costume demonstrating two "scary" lion faces and one friendly lion face:)


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