Friday, March 18

my coffee table monster

If you're just joining us, I blogged here about my plans for a coffee table/ottoman creation, and here about this coffee table I bought from Pat's.

The hardest part of the entire project was finding the perfect fabric. I finally found what I was looking for at Anthroplogie in the form of these clearance-sale table runners!

I wanted to chop them up into a new design, so I started by marking the shape of the table top in tape. (My friend's dog Katie was having a playdate with Jemima, thus the large golden retriever in the pictures)

I experimented with different patterns for a while, which was trickier than I had imagined! Once I found one I liked, I cut the fabric accordingly, then bonded it together using iron-on hem tape, then reinforced it by hand-sewing using a very (intentionally) sloppy stitch. But more on that later!

I experimented with button layouts, marked the spots and drilled the holes.

I also gave the legs a good sanding to make it look a little more worn and vintage.

After I upholstered it, I trimmed it in a thick black trim, then did more sloppy hand-stitching all the way around the trim.

Next up, tufting time! I love to tuft:)

One last look at the before ...

 And the after! It's not 100% done, because I'm having a very hard time finding the perfect casters for the feet. They're all either too big, or too tacky! But you can imagine it with little copper wheels all on your own, I'm sure:)


  1. Looks fab!! Great work! Hope I get to run into you at Pats one of these days.

  2. hey girl i love this table! my hubs found a oval coffee table on the side of the road that i am in the process of recycling :) but there is no top so i bought some wood to cut out and place inside the table, i was going to cover the top with foam and fabric, but when i saw yours it looks like you didn't ad foam? and can you please do a tutorial on tufting?! i want to do it but i have no idea how!
    anyway long story short love the table and i need some help :)

  3. I love it! But is that another dog in the pic I see? Was Jemima having a playdate?!?

  4. Unbelievable! That is really amazing - you are so talented at this furniture stuff. I love the tufting especially. Your colourful-rug-blanket-caster-wood-ottoman-coffee-monster is a definite success I'd say!

  5. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! I've always wanted to inlay tile into a coffee might just have inspired me!

  6. very pretty and pretty inventive. and jemima sitting on the sofa in the last shot just kills me.


  7. Wow MG, you are badass. That is such a wonderful creation.

  8. Oh my, a great project! Thanks for sharing, now I want to tackle one of my own. Why does tufting make everything look so great?


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