Monday, February 7

Copying Kate

I was doing a little shopping this weekend when I spotted these absolutely adorable flats in the window of Kate Spade. If you want the real thing they'll set you back $250, but I'm a bit on the short side (5'3'') and prefer to wear heels, so I began plotting how I could get the shoes, plus a heel, minus the hefty price tag.

I started with these basic tan pumps that I bought for $14.99 (originally $49.99) at Ross.

Then I headed over to Michaels for the following supplies, which cost about $20 
  • small wood rectangles
  • assorted clear jewels
  • glue
  • gold leaf
  • wire

I painted the wood pieces and waited for them to dry.

Then I glued the wood to the shoes and secured them down with wire until the glue had dried thoroughly.

I used a spare piece of wood to plan my jewel-layout. I did the above design on the right shoe, and a mirror-image of the same design on the left shoe.

Et voila! I'm quite pleased with them. I was worried they'd fall apart right away and I'd be leaving a trail of bling behind me everywhere I went, but so far everything has stayed put! Now we'll have to see how they hold up after an evening of dancing out on the town with my husband:) That will be the real test!


  1. I actually like your version better than the Kate Spade version! Nice one. How much were the supplies from Michaels?

    PS: are you going to change your banner (the mary grace part) to fit your new hair cut?

  2. Kiwi - Thank you very much! I'm so glad you asked about the price of the supplies, because I totally forgot to add that in the post! I believe my total at Michaels was $20 or so.

    So funny you mention the banner, I actually started working on a new one this weekend and hope to have it up tomorrow! It's 1920's inspired:)

  3. hello missy,

    you are quite the talent. i adore this project and i really have to hand it to you - they came out great. where do you think come up with these things? thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Love that idea! I've been wanting to revamp shoes, but then I always find a pair at the store that I love too much and just end up buying those instead of making my own.

  5. These are adorable!!! I can't believe you found those shoes for $15 i love ross!

  6. Janet - Thank you!! I just saved a bunch of pictures of the shoes on my phone, and then wandered around Michaels looking at the supplies and studying the pics on my phone until I was pretty sure I had what I needed to replicate them!

    Daisies - I am usually the same way ... this was my first time trying to spruce some up myself!

    Laina - Thank you!! I love Ross, too! The one we have here is sort of hit-and-miss, but I always go convinced I'm gonna find a bargain:)

  7. So cute! I am very impressed!
    I hope they stay together and you can get many more wears out of your "copy" shoes!
    Stop by my blog to see a window display project!
    Happy Crafting,

  8. ahhhh mary-grace yet another awesome idea...i think i may have to copy this one :). Thanks for the congrats and birthday wishes.

    A x

  9. Those are soooooooo cute! I have a pair of BCBGeneration that look exactly like that. I've been trying to replace them for more than two years now because Lulu thought the heel looked tasty.

    Too bad my Ross sucks! I'll go look though because I really, really, really want.

  10. Mary Grace, you are so talented! And industrious, lol. I can't believe you made those! I also like them better than the original. But, like you, I gotta have me some heel. Aw, we really are 'sole' mates, aren't we? ;) And, yes, I made that joke. On the internet - it's forever.

    Great post - I'm saving it to my 'must-try' folder. At this rate, I'm going to need one specifically dedicated to whitewaxflower, lol!

  11. Amazing! You did a terrific job! I like your version better and your price point better as well! : )

  12. I love the new banner!

  13. Your shoes are so precious!! I love love love the jewels :) great job!

  14. a-freaking-dorable! also I love that nail polish color! So fun!

  15. Stopping in to wish you a happy Wednesday! I hope the adorable shoes are still holding up! I just love them!
    Be sure to stop by my blog to see the latest post on picture frame ideas. Your left over jewels may come in handy...

  16. Love the shoes, love the new banner!

  17. Eddie - It makes my day to get comments from my favorite expert on living beautifully;) LOVE your window display and the frames are so cute it hurts! Trying the stripey one today.

    Abbie - Let me know how they turn out if you do decide to go for it! And congrats again on your new American-ness:)

    Snark - Bad LuLu! She must have expensive tastes!

    Polyvorina - Awww, sole mates!!! LOL ... I love that so much. And I can't think of a better compliment than having an "inspiration" file on someone's computer called whitewaxflower!!

    Mina - Thank you! Expect an email from me sometime soon ... I have questions!

    Courtney -Thank you, you're the very first person to say so:) Well, besides my husband, and he HAS to say he likes it;)

    Anna - Thanks girl! I like the jewels, too. You can never have too much sparkles;)

    Liz - Thank you! I have a whole bag full of nail polish, but that pink is my favorite!

    Emily Ann - Thank you:)

    Paper Cup - Thank you for the compliments and thank you for blogging again! I've missed your posts!!


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