Wednesday, February 2

Oh hey, what's up?! I'm just hangin out with my friend Jigsaw. Isn't he handsome? Or maybe I should say "Isn't he less hideous than he used to be?"



It's still pretty safe to say that my sculpting skills leave something to be desired. Ironically, my grandfather was an accomplished, award-winning sculptor! In his (much too short) lifetime, he created amazing art that can be seen in museums, universities, presidential libraries...

and on my vanity:) See the little elephant bronze sitting next to the picture frame? He gave that to me when I was 14 years old, just two months before he passed away of cancer. I still remember exactly how he was holding it when he surprised me with it. He had it down by his side, with his fingers looped through the little elephant's legs, and it's back resting in his palm. I know it sounds silly, but I remember that sooo vividly, and I often loop my fingers through the elephant's legs ... just the way he did that day, and it's almost like holding his hand.

My Papa

 I'm officially teary-eyed now. I had no intention of making this post so solemn when I began writing it, so sorry about that:( And before I go, I have to say that while I may not have inherited his talent for the creative arts, I definitely inherited his love for them, and I'm so grateful for how much he cultivated that love in me. And my husband says I inherited his mischievous smile, which is good enough for me:)


  1. Aw, Mary Grace what a great story about your grandpa! I'm sure he is so proud of you for many reasons :)

  2. you made me all teary eyed!! Your little bust is so funny....I think you should decorate him for the seasons. Little heart head band for Valentine's day, green hat for St. Patty's day lol.

    My grandparents are getting older so I am very sensitive to anything nostalgic & sweet right now! that little elephant is perfect!

    Also, is that a short hair cut I great!!! (long hair is over rated) You look so cute!

  3. this is such a great story, Mary Grace! I love good memories involving loved ones that have passed on... they are so much more special when you share them. your elephant is so cute! :)

  4. I adore the bust formerly known as Jigsaw. He is tres cute!

    I also adore you and your hair.

  5. Aw, precious, that story made me cry. You're such a dear :)

  6. Jigsaw is looking so much less hideous, lol! I'd say he even looks pretty good. Your grandpa would be proud I think. :)

  7. Hey girl!!! That is the sweetest post ever!!! Thanks for sharing, and he was absolutely awesome!!!

  8. how lovely that you can see glimpses of your Papa in the mirror with your smile and on your vanity with your elephant!
    it may sound a bit odd, but I inherited my grandpa's thumbs. honest to goodness, same exact thumbs! whenever I get to missing him, I just give myself a thumbs-up and things look a bit more cheery :)

  9. What a great inspiration for you! And what nice reminders of him - the elephant and his smile.

  10. i think your grandfather would be proud of jigsaw and thrilled at the creativity he inspired in you.

    nanne in indiana by way of alabama

  11. Kande (KELLY!!)3/2/11 7:21 PM

    I love this post. I remember how my Granny showed me how properly make fig preserves and the way she was holding the jar of preserves that I made for the first time. Vivid memories are the best, aren't they?! They're like photographs of our loved ones that will never fade.

    Oh, and Jigsaw is still creepy as hell! Just a little less creepy!

  12. The story about your grandfather giving you the elephant made me cry! Love that you have such a vivid memory to treasure forever from that moment.


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