Tuesday, February 15

all you need is love (and flowers)

Hi everyone! Hope all of you had a wonderful Valentine's Day full of lots of xoxoxo's from your loved ones:) My day started with these gorgeous flowers from my hubby. I'm afraid this OOTD business is bringing out the worst (i.e.: vanity) in me! I decided to show off my Valentine's OOTD by "modeling" my flowers, and I got a little carried away...

Some might say that it's not very fashionable of me to wear a white dress before Easter, but I haven't worn this dress in a few years, and when I ran across it in my closet I thought it looked just like a white doily, perfect for Valentine's Day!

Maybe this is weird, but whenever I get a bouquet of flowers, I always break them up into several arrangements right away ... as you can see in the picture above. I'm no Eddie Ross, but I do enjoy pretending to be an expert in floral arrangement every now and then:)

Dress: Mango
Bracelets: Assorted bangles
Shoes: H&M
Earrings: Vintage - they belonged to my Gran:)

Here's a close-up of the shoes. 

The best part about turning one large arrangement into three smaller ones is that you get to enjoy your flowers all over the house! Here are a few of them sitting in the adorable hobnail pitcher that my little sister Lizzie gave me for Christmas:)

I saved a single rose to put on my desk.

And this little bunch has moved to the kitchen window since I took this picture. They looked so sweet and cheery in the morning sunlight today:)



  1. I absolutely love the one of you looking down and smiling.. So vintage! You should frame it. Those shoes are adorable too. :)

    I like the idea of breaking up the bouquet, I might just do it with my VDay flowers.

    Glad you had a good holiday!

  2. Awww! I call my grandma gran too.

    And I see your Southern roots with that whole no white before Easter. You live in Cali, my darling and on a bright, summer day, nothing's better than a cute shift dress, even in white.

  3. I love breaking up my arrangements like that too! I am horrible at it though! Do you have any tips on arranging flowers?

  4. Love your white dress, and your shoes! Looks like you had a great vday:)

  5. love your dress and don't stop your posting of your outfits. i think they are adorable. love the flowers too.



  7. I do the same thing with flowers! But I wanna be a florist someday :)

  8. wow !!!!! beautiful flowers you have a lovely blog, Maybe We Could Each Other follow if you like!

  9. NoelleBelle - Thank you! That one was my husband's favorite photo, too:) I'm glad you think they look vintage because that's definitely the look I was going for:)

    Snarktastical - Yay for Grans! LOL:) And thank you for supporting my wearing-white-before-Easter decision;)

    Liz - I'm pretty horrible at it as well! I guess my only "tip" would be that I try to split them up by flowers first (all the daisies together, all the roses together, etc) and then put the groups of flowers together based on which colors will look prettiest together. Then I fill in with the leaves and such. That may be the opposite of the correct way to arrange flowers, though ... LOL

    Tovah - Thank you! It was a really nice day:)

    Janet - It means a lot to me that you like my outfits, because I LOVE and covet your sense of style!

    Jader - Thanks, girl! Hope CC is feeling much better already!

    Kelli-Anne - You should write a blog post with tips on floral arrangement for people like me and Liz who don't know what we're doing!

    Mom'sClothes - Thank you! I checked out your blog and followed you. Love your style, girl!

  10. loving the inspiration!
    i'll be coming back to your blog for sure!
    come visit COSMICaroline and see behind the scenes at the Nashville Anthropologie event!


  11. i do that too! and i LOVE that derss!

  12. Oh great post! Love your dress and flowers! Happy be-lated Vday! Blessings, DE

  13. That is a great idea. I've always loved how full bouquets look but splitting them up makes them look like you carried them in from the garden.

    Thanks for popping by the sewing box post on Cross My Hooks!


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