Saturday, January 2


One big lesson I've learned in the last year or two is the importance of picking out a color scheme and sticking with it. When I first started decorating, I just went with the "If I like it, I'll buy it" method. I ended up with some cool stuff, but none of it flows! Slowly I came to my senses, and in the last year or so I've been trying to replace things and re-do things in order to get a more unified look in our home. My husband lovingly says I am "squashing the color out of our lives", but I like to think of it as replacing the colors in our lives with soothing colors that are more "us" ;)

If you haven't already, I recommend putting together an inspiration board of colors that you'd like in your home, and then take those into consideration before you make any new purchases or paint any more walls. This doesn't mean that every room in your house has to look exactly the same, but having the same general look and feel in each room makes your house look much more polished and designed.

PS That board up there is mine, and the size of the color swatch indicates how much it will be used in our home, with smallest = least used.


  1. Are you trying to copy Life in the Fun Lane? You will never be that awesome.

  2. I agree with you, but that's not a very nice thing to say.

  3. Wow... Life in the Fun Lane Fan. You obviously lead a rich and satisfying life!
    ~Staunch Character


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