Monday, January 11

just kidding!

File this one under "things I never noticed about my apartment until I started blogging". I was home around 4:00pm this afternoon and all set to take pictures, but alas ... our bedroom gets no real natural daylight at that time of day, so had I tried to take pictures of the new dresser, it would have looked all yellow and shadowy. I want it to look fabulous for it's big debut, so the pictures will have to wait until tomorrow. Of course, if I were a guy I would have known which way was north and west and all that and known that there would be no sunlight coming in through the windows at that time, but I have no idea about directions.

It looks like this is going to become an unofficial Before and After week here at White Waxflower! Here are some more "before and afters" I have to debut this week: not one, not two, but THREE big mirrors, the big dresser I keep talking about, and a "before and during" of that antique chair you've been hearing about. The one we could have sold for heaven knows how much had we just left it alone (we're to the point where we can laugh about it, by the way).

Stay tuned!

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