Monday, January 11

goodbye, old friend

You may remember this black dresser from a post I wrote a few months back. This dresser belonged to my parents, and as you can see ... it had seen better days. My mother has wisely kept a small stock of furniture in storage for us kids to have once we graduate from college and get places of our own, and man has it come in handy already for my older brother and I. This dresser was in storage, waiting for one of us kids to make it our own, and my husband and I brought it out to California with us:)

When I took this picture I had already taken a few drawers out and some of the hardware off. The hardware was old and broken, so it had to be replaced, which is sad because I liked that hardware! I wanted to give it a chic 1950's look, so I painted it black and selected these simple silver handles.

After keeping it around for two years, some of the wood that slides the drawers in and out started to break down, and some of the drawers wouldn't really close properly anymore. I'm really into short/wide dressers these days, so we decided to put this one on Craigslist for sale. I asked for $30, and within an hour had 11 offers! I realized I had priced it too low, so I hiked the price up to $60 after one of the responders to the ad offered to double our asking price. Don't worry, I made sure to tell everyone that the drawers needed some repair! To my surprise, I still had about 5 people begging for the dresser. This is really rare. We sell stuff on Craigslist all the time and it usually takes days to even get one or two offers.

It ended up going to a cute couple who just bought a new house, and we were sad to see it go, but excited to make an extra $70 for something we only spent about $10 fixing up! Because it sold so quickly, we hadn't had time to find a new dresser yet, so we've spent the last several days with our bedroom covered in clothes. We picked up this one yesterday afternoon, and in about 3 hours had that one looking gorgeous. If I can make it home for a bit this afternoon (and get all of those clothes put away so you can actually see it), I'll post the after pictures!

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