Monday, January 11

memory monday

Today we're posting about a little memory of ours for our Monday post.

Mine dates back quite a few years ago. I had just met my husband, and we had only known each other about 3 months. I thought he was sooooo cute, and I had a great big crush on him. He was starring in a really cool studio production called Art, and he was absolutely amazing in it. He's very, very talented actor, but sadly he says he's permanently retired:)

I went to see the play (more than once!) just to see him in it, and I was totally swept away by his energy, his talent, his hotness! He played a married man, so he was wearing a gold wedding band. I was transfixed by it and couldn't stop thinking how hot he looked with a wedding ring on! I was definitely already dreaming of him wearing a ring like that for me some day! My parents came to visit me while the play was still in production, and I told them they simply had to go see it with me and see how talented my "friend" was. I remember telling my mother that my "friend" played a married man in it, and how attractive he looked with a wedding ring on. It's funny how little comments like that, things that you say sort of in passing, stick with you for years. I'll always remember telling my mama that.

And I still think he looks really hot with a wedding ring on;)

1 comment:

  1. aww! You should definitely post about how you two met, fell in love, and of he proposed!


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