Tuesday, January 5

I'm in ♥

How absolutely precious is this little cabinet? I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love.

I found it on Craigslist on Saturday afternoon, and I e-mailed the owner/seller and begged her to call me as soon as she could so I could come pick it up. Nothing happened, but I couldn't stop thinking about this thing! Yesterday morning I wrote her another email, pleading with her to call me ASAP. Finally, last night at about 9:00pm she called and said it was all mine, and I grabbed my husband and rushed out the door to go claim it. Here's a video of some of the action.

She sold it to us for only 20 bucks! Wooo hooo! And it's solid wood, a genuine antique, with such cute hardware. The lady that sold it to me said that she had bought lots of antiques like this one in the hopes that she could decorate her daughter's room some day. All I could think was "Well can I see what else you've got?", but she didn't elaborate on why that didn't work out, so I thought it might be best to keep my mouth shut and run. I did promise her it was going to a very good home, though.

True to form, Jemima came running over as soon as she heard the click of the camera and got right in the line of fire. That dog just loves cameras. Look at that look of despair on her face after being told to move out of the way.

I did manage move her out of the way in time to get this one really nice shot of it in it's temporary home by the bed. Sigh ... I am smitten.


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