Tuesday, December 22

warning: extreme mushiness ahead

Writing little love notes has always been a part of mine and my husband's relationship, right from the start. I write him a note every morning and put it in his lunch box. Since I was going to be out of town last week, I stayed up late the night before I left and wrote him a little note for every day I'd be gone. I'm always finding notes from him in random places like my makeup bag, my PJ drawer, and in the books I'm reading. It seemed only fitting that this little tradition of ours make it's way into our home decor in one way or another!

To appreciate the significance of this letter, it may help you to know that by the time we got married, more than half of our relationship had been spent long-distance! In fact, for about 65% of the time we dated, we weren't even in the same state. So little things like going to restaurants and movies together was still a special treat for us. This is a short little excerpt from a letter he wrote me while we were apart, just before we got married:

"I can't wait to go to church and find a dentist and get a joint bank account and kiss on a train. I can't wait to get a dog and go on vacations and eat junk food while we watch a movie we rented."

He wrote me a whole letter full of sweet, simple things like that, that he couldn't wait to do together as a married couple. I treasure this letter ... it's my favorite from him. So here's what I did with it!

This frame came from the 99cent store, and since it was matted and sealed I had to cut it open to get that tacky picture out, but it worked out just fine.

I wanted to keep the actual letter in a safe place, so I typed a copy of the letter up using the "American Typewriter" font so it would look, well, like it was written on a typewriter. Courier works, too! I also blew it up and cropped it so that you wouldn't be able to see what the top, bottom or sides of the letter said. I love that look! Then I distressed it by soaking it in a watered-down mix of coffee and Worcestershire sauce (gross combo!). I wrinkled it up a bit then put it in the oven to dry.

I love that for only one dollar I have something that not only looks pretty, but also holds precious memories for the two of us. I also wrote out a little explanation of what the letter is and taped it to the back of the frame. Who knows, maybe our great-grandchildren will find it somewhere, someday, and now they'll know what it is:)

So sweet.


  1. I adore the project but I love the sentiment. You two are so precious. I love you both!

  2. Very cool! If only I could get my man to write me love notes.. ;)

  3. MG.....that is so sweet. My husband likes to write notes also (not as many and you and the Mr., though). He has written me notes for all the major events (first "I love you" and so forth). And actually wrote me one to start off the actually proposal. I kept that note with me for two years until I got scared I would lose it so I put it in a safe place. I love what you did with the note and may have to do the same with my proposal letter. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Awww that's REALLY cool that you have a note from the proposal! You should definitely do that, it would be really sweet:)

  5. That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen!


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