Sunday, December 13

busy weekend!

We've had a pretty busy last few days, and I haven't had as much time to blog as I'd like! Our weekend sort of started with my husband's company party on Thursday night. It was a lot of fun and we had a great time. Friday I had a busy day at work, then we had my work party that evening. It was sooo nice and SO much fun. The food was delicious, and it's always fun to have a fancy occasion to get all dressed up for:)

Saturday we went to the mall to do some Christmas shopping, and I got my brand new iPhone! It's a 16GB, and I am loving the white case! The quality is WAYY better, and this thing hasn't left my hand since we picked it up. I love it!

Next, we started putting together our gag gifts for our Bible Study's White Elephant Christmas party. We had a 10 dollar limit per gift, so we started out at the 99cent store. I got a kick out of their "fitness" section of the store, so for my gift I assembled a "His & Hers Fitness Kit".

The best part .. his and hers tummy trimmers. You really have to see them to appreciate the absolutely awful packaging they came in, but it was HORRIBLE photoshop work and the person that wrote the descriptions obviously barely spoke English. The one on the right says "Trust it! Make you Beauty Healthy".

For my husband's gift, he bought a trucker hat and 2 frames, and had me take glamor shots of him, then he printed them out and autographed them. Those pictures ended up getting "stolen" by other guests 4 times, and were quite a hit. The party was a lot of fun. I brought a delicious baked brie (recipe courtesy of my Aunt Becky) that I really need to post the recipe for. It has pecans, brown sugar, butter, and brie in it and you eat it with butter crackers and green apples. It's AMAZING!

Sunday (today) I taught the 4 & 5 year old Sunday school class again, and it went really well. They are so cute! This afternoon we had to go to the airport to fix an issue with our Banff tickets (it's a long and painful story, but everything's fine!) and then we headed to the Irvine Spectrum to do a bunch of Christmas shopping. Of course, I ended up stopping by Anthropologie and left with two little items pour moi.

This little bottle was originally 20 dollars, on sale for $3.95! Hopefully I'll come up with something really cute and original to put in there, but for now I just poured in some white rice.

I love their planters. I already had the bigger one you see in this picture, and today I bought the smaller one for only $6.00! I just happened to buy that white flowered plant yesterday, and had planned to get rid of that pitiful looking plant in the bigger pot and replace it with the white flowers, but now I guess I'll have to buy another plant. I have a serious black thumb so it's just a matter of time before they both die anyway!

We've got a few more Christmas gift stops to make tonight, and then we have to address and send our Christmas cards! After 3 failed attempts to take a cute new picture, we have surrendered to our own not-cuteness and decided to just send out a picture we snapped on the beach back in the spring. We were never going to top the over-the-top cuteness (if I do say so myself) of last year's pictures, anyway!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as well!

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