Saturday, December 12

better late then never!

Yesterday was crazy ... I had work meetings, appointments, and a big office party to get ready for from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed, so I just didn't get time to do my Top Five Friday:( But here it is! My Top Five Friday: Saturday Edition.

5. TV. This is something we've wanted to invest in for a long time. My husband is convinced that we'll get the best price if we wait a few weeks after Christmas to buy it, so it won't happen for awhile, but this is definitely on our "to buy" list for ourselves:)

4. Chi straightener: I go through these things like it's my job. I have curly hair, but not cute, curly, bouncy movie-star hair. Some parts of my hair are really curly, some parts are just wavy, and some parts are straight all together. To get the curls to actually look cute takes about an hour, so since I was 17 I've just been surrendering and straightening it. I think I look better with it straight anyway. My adorable pink Chi has just about had it, and I think it's time to spend some of my Christmas money on a new one!

3. A big mirror: I've been hunting for a large, ornate mirror like this (but even bigger) forever! Maybe for Christmas I'll finally be able to find a nice one to invest in. ::crossing my fingers::

2. iPhone: I dropped my old one a few weeks back and the screen shattered. I found out that I would have to buy a whole new phone because they charge an outrageous amount if you just want to replace the screen. Luckily, I hadn't gotten around to it yet when my parents sent both my husband AND me brand new iPhones for Christmas. Thanks, parents!! :)

1. Vacation: The Mr. and I haven't taken a "real" vacation by ourselves since our honeymoon, so we've been looking for a good time to get away for an extended weekend stay somewhere. We'll be enjoying a white Christmas in Banff this year, and I am sooo excited.

PS If you're reading this, Santa ... I tried to be good this year!

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