Monday, December 14

away I go

Last night we managed to get the last of our Christmas cards written, the last of our Christmas shopping done (minus my parent's gift, which couldn't be helped!), and our apartment cleaned up after a total whirlwind weekend, all before midnight. Whew! We counted it up for fun and realized that we spent less than half an hour total this entire weekend actually sitting and not doing anything (i.e. eating a meal that wasn't on-the-go or at a party, checking email, etc). We're pooped!

But the awesome news is that this morning I am hopping on an eastbound plane, going to see my family! This was a very recent development ... I didn't think I was going to be able to see them at all this Christmas season, but everything fell into place last week for me to be able to go visit. I am SO EXCITED to see them I could hardly sleep last night.

Bon voyage to myself and happy Monday to you!


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