Tuesday, December 29

and we're back!

As you might have guessed, we have returned safely home! We both slept throughout both flights, and it certainly was a huge change from Banff to land in sunny San Diego. We got in around noon, and we took the afternoon to tour some of the older neighborhoods in the mid-city area of San Diego. My goodness ... I'm obsessed! I was completely charmed by Golden Hill, particularly South Park! It's about five minutes from downtown, 10 minutes from the beach (you can see both downtown and the ocean from some of the neighborhood streets), yet it's perfectly clean, classy and shockingly affordable. The neighborhood apparently had a big surge in the 1920's, so every street is packed with little Crafstman bungalows. Swoon! Remember this little house I posted a picture of a few months back? It's in South Park:) Here's some more South Park eye candy. I wish I could have taken pictures of my own, but my phone was dead and our cameras were in the luggage.

The Mr. is back at work today, and I am trying to build up my courage to face mountains of laundry that need to be done ... not to mention that our home seemed to collect an awful lot of dust and dirt considering we were only gone for 5 days.

Before I go, here are a few posts to look forward to this week: a post about very exciting Christmas gift from my parents (hint: it will open up new possibilities on this blog), a post about a really cool Christmas gift from my grandmother, a new little craft decoration that involves sheets of music, top five friday: New Years Resolutions edition, and much more:)

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