Monday, November 16

allow me to introduce

Our new baby. Rather than bore you with a long essay of what it took to get our beat-up dresser from worn-out to wonderful, I'll try to make it more interesting by telling the story in pictures.

The Mr. carefully puttying up the old hardware holes, letting
them dry, then sanding them smooth.

Using the computer's calculator to measure, down to the
millimeter, exactly where the hardware needed to go in order
to be symmetrical and dead-center on the drawers. This is
why I'm glad I have him around (among other reasons)!
I would have just tried to "guesstimate" and ended up having
to re-do them over and over. I'm sure I didn't help his concentration
by turning his math session into a photo session.

My extremely organized and tidy painting station

Two drawers down, six to go. Painting the insides
of the drawers was the worst. No fun.

Jemima appointed herself overseer of the project, and kept a close
watch from the top of the couch. She did come out to the porch once and awhile to see of I needed any help with the painting, though.

Once the paint was dry and the knobs were screwed in, it was time to
make the labels. We alphabetized our DVD collection and split
them up into four drawers. A-F, G-O, P-Y and one more for our
DVD collections like all the seasons of The Office and Full House.
I had a hard time coming up with what to label this drawer.
I thought about doing "MISC." or "&...." but I think "ETC."
was the cutest option. I couldn't believe how well the card stock
paper I stamped the letters on blended in with the paint!

Jemima wanted to have her picture taken with the finished product.

Love the detail on the legs..

and the drawers.


So that's it! That's how we turned this...

into this.

the end:)

1 comment:

  1. now THAT is adorable!!! I have been waiting all day to see the finished product. I love it! You two are amazing.


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