Monday, November 16

every girl needs this book

How to Walk in High Heels
is a book I came across while window-shopping in Dublin one day. When the book says it's "The Girl's Guide to Everything", it isn't exaggerating. This book has everything a girl needs to know to survive. The author is Camilla Morton, but she enlists the help of some very fierce people to help dish out advice. You'll find Manolo Blahnik's instructions on how to pick a shoe, Giselle giving advice on how to look good in a photo, and Jade Jagger's recommendations on how to compile a great playlist. In addition, there are sections on everything from how to fire someone graciously to how to pick up dog poop with style.

And of course, the book instructs on how to walk in high heels, complete with directions for various surfaces. How to Walk in High Heels is my pick for Must-Have Monday, and I do believe it is a must have for all girls out there:)

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