Monday, November 16

weekend review

Friday night we took our "date night", and had a delicious meal at our favorite Mexican restaurant. We'd both been craving Mexican food all week, so this was a nice treat. Saturday we got up early, I read a lot because my library books were due back and I hadn't finished them, and in the afternoon we headed off to see 2012. It was great! Lots of really awesome scenes:) Saturday night we cooked dinner together, and I decided to go check the mail. To my surprise, this was waiting for me ...
My package from Anthropologie, the hardware! The last thing I needed to be able to finish my dresser. I was so excited. I had been told that it wouldn't get here until this Wednesday!

On Sunday we got up early (we're unable to sleep in these days) and made cinnamon rolls. We went to church, Sunday school, then to lunch with our Bible Study. We ate at a Pho restaurant, and I was not a fan at all (sorry if I am offending all my Vietnamese readers) ;) We had a great time though, I think we ended up all sitting at the restaurant talking for about 2 1/2 hours. After that, needless to say, I was dying to get to Home Depot. I got a gallon of my favorite paint (Behr Creamy White), a new brush and a mini-roller, and Mr. F got the stinky putty stuff that he needed to fill up the old hardware holes.

While we were there I saw two things that got me thinking. They sell these empty paint cans for only $2.97, wouldn't they look so cute painted with a little swipe of chalkboard paint on one side? You could use them in your cabinet to store things like brown sugar or rice, and label them accordingly with chalk.

I also loved this pale pink spraypaint. If I wasn't living with a guy I think by now everything in my home would look like a baby nursery - white and pink.

I'll be back later this afternoon to show off my dresser!

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