Wednesday, November 18

oh sweet grace

Hello White Waxflower followers, my goodness that's a mouth full. Well I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Jillian one of Grace's bestest besties. Mary Grace, the genious behind MHMs and Top Five Fridays suggested that we guest blog on eachother's site. Brilliant. Well most guest bloggers give expert advice and unfortunately neither me nor Mary Grace are really experts in anything; however, I must note she is quite the little decorator. Well after many text conversations we decided to talk about our first impressions of each other. And I must admit this is definitely gonna help stroke our egos. Not gonna lie, we're both total hams, and I absolutely loved getting to read about myself through MG's eyes on my blog.

My first impression of MG isn't all that great, I know, I know, she's amazing, spectacular, fantastic but I was blind. First impression, I thought Grace hated me. And looking back I don't even know why. I guess since she was probably shy and I was overly boisterous and obnoxious I figured she probably thought I was a bit out there (it's a common misconception). I remember one day a few of my friends from my dorm were going to eat at the Chi O house. All my friends were gonna be in class so I was given Mary Grace's number and was told to call her and meet up with her at the house...awkward. I remember being so nervous before making that call.

Ring, ring, ring....
MG: Hello
Me: Mary Grace, this is Jillian (in what I'm sure was at a rapid, panicked pace)
MG: Oh hey!
Me: Claire gave your number and told me call you to meet up at the Chi O house (palms sweating)
MG: Oh, ok well I'm in my dorm if you want to come down, we can walk over there

I don't really know if this is how conversation went down but I remember being so awkward and nervous during that entire conversation because I thought she didn't like me.

Well fast forward a year and you would never know I had initially thought Grace hated me. During our sophomore year of college we lived with two other girls, Claire and Virginia. And honestly we were both closer to Claire and VA, I'm fairly certain each of us was like "I could do without that Jillian (or Mary Grace) girl." I mean, shoot I was probably terrified, I signed that lease thinking she still didn't like me. Anyways, I'm sure we can trace it back to one late night in the fall of '04 when our friendship started (check out MG's narrative of where it all began). By the end of sophomore year we were connected at the hip. And thank goodness. I'm gonna refrain from getting all sappy, but Grace you truly are an amazing woman and friend. I feel so incredibly blessed to have you in my life...I like to think God knew what he was doing when we signed that lease. So here's to you MG, thanks for being the best, love you!

1 comment:

  1. Awww you made me cry! I am bless you have YOU and I love you so much, Jilly!


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