Wednesday, November 18

I think I need to move here

I read a magazine article a few weeks ago about Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and I was very intrigued. It's a little town that's as old as America, and it's a popular stop for hikers along the Appalachian Trail. The scenery is amazing - just look at the photo below! Thomas Jefferson visited with his daughter Patsy, and called it "one of the most stupendous scenes in nature", and T.J. wouldn't lie to us! It's packed with history, beautiful foilage, and ... my obsession ... old-as-dirt houses in need of a lot of love. It's no secret that all I want in life (that I don't already have) is an old, run down house that I can nurse back to health.

Look at this gorgeous house. Yes, it needs a lot of sprucing up, but it's 147 years old! It was a tavern in the 1800's, and all it needs is a little TLC and elbow grease from Mr. and Mrs F. The worst part of all is the cost (in a good way). With a $7,000 down payment, the monthly mortgage payment would be HALF of what we're paying right now for rent. Sickening!

::Sigh:: I just want to reach through my laptop screen and give it a hug.


  1. MG.....we don't live far from Harpers Ferry and can go often. I absolutely love that town. It's so quaint and wonderful. And during the summer you can tube down the river. We also "eyed" a house while we were there. Who knows...maybe years and years from now we'll end up as retired neighbors in HF.

  2. MG....I don't know why is says VCZ behind my name.....I thought I typed DZ.


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