Thursday, November 19

a few things

just for fun: one of my favorite pictures

Good morning! First of all, thanks Jillian for my sweet post. It meant the world to me! Also, there's a new blog in my list of blogs called Katy Elliott. This girl owns a very old home in MA and is fixing it up room by room. If you love old home remodels, you'll enjoy her blog. She documents her journey with her husband as they fix up their home, mostly all on their own. Impressive! And finally, there's a new book in my book list. I'm reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini for my book club. So far I'm not really into it. I can't keep the names straight or really get into the story, but hopefully it will pick up. That's the good thing about being in a book club ... it forces you to muscle through and read books that you might not normally even pick up, much less finish.

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