Friday, November 20


So, you may remember that
I've been on the hunt for some ticking stripe fabric for my little stool. I visited local (and one not-so-local) fabric stores, but no luck. Funny, because ticking stripe is very trendy right now, but no one seems to carry it! They'll probably start carrying it by the truckloads in about 3 years when everyone else is over it. Fabric stores always seem to be a few years behind the trends.
Anyway, I finally found just what I was looking for on this website, but you have to call to order it because they are just a little family business, and they were on vacation. I had to wait a week and a half just to be able to place the order:( I finally got in touch with them today, and the guy was so sweet. It's always nice to talk to another Southerner! So I have three yards of this fabric on the way, and it's going to go on this little stool. Can't wait! I've already primed it, but I'm sick of painting right now after having painted two coats on that huge dresser and all those drawers, so I'm going to wait and paint it whenever the fabric gets here.

Also, I'd like to welcome my sweet friend Jill to the blogging world. She's off to a great start ... she has a cute little blog called Single Girl's Shoes, and she even came up with the idea for the subject of today's Top Five Friday! We're writing out our "bucket list", and you can check out Jillian's here and Jill's here. I'll be back this afternoon with my list:)

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