Friday, November 20

the bucket list

I made myself a bucket list about 6 years ago, and I feel very blessed because I've already been able to cross two of them off my list! One of them was to go to Paris on my honeymoon (check!) and the other was to live in a foreign country for at least a month (check!!). So since today is Top Five Friday, here are five more things I want to do before I kick the bucket.

1. Get my pilot's license. This has been on my list for years and years. I don't want to be a professional pilot or anything, I just want to be able to fly a little plane all on my own.

2. Stay on a remote island. I would LOVE to take a vacation on a teeny little island somewhere that isn't commercial (so, not Hawaii) or touristy. I'm thinking Pago Pago, on the very small island of Tutuila. I mean, just look at it!

3. Renovate a worn-down old house. You probably knew this one was coming! Preferably a house that needs a LOT of work, and is very, verrrrry old.

4. Find a buried treasure. It doesn't have to be a pot of gold or a pirate's treasure in a sunken ship. I would just love to find something that probably meant a lot to someone a long time ago that I could keep.

5. To die just like this. I know this is really depressing and I'm sorry, but ... If I could only have one of these things actually come true, I would choose this one. That my husband and I could die just like this ancient couple did - at the same time and in each other's arms.

1 comment:

  1. lucky girl you have managed to already accomplish a few things off your list. all of those look like great adventures. the end one...yes a little creepy, but kinda cute in a weird way. haha. love you gracie!


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