Friday, November 20

these boots are made for walkin'

So my mama had told me that I had a "little happy" on the way, and to be looking for it. I was expecting a book she thought I might like, maybe a CD, or something like that. So imagine my surprise when I see this enormous thing...

with this gorgeous gift box inside, complete with a silk ribbon...

and a note from my parents ...

By now I was thoroughly confused, until I opened it to find these. The gorgeous, gray knit Uggs that I had been swooning over for two years!!! You may have noticed them over on the right in the list of things on my wish list. I was hoping to buy them for our little romantic Christmas getaway to Banff, so I really can't tell you how thrilled I was to get them as a gift, totally unexpectedly, in November! I wore them all afternoon yesterday, and put them on with my pajamas as soon as I woke up this morning. They're really unbelievably comfortable.

Here's my poor attempt at a self-portrait of myself in my new boots.

And here's a picture of the boots from the Nordstrom website.
Thank you sooooooOOOOOOooo much to my precious parents for my boots! Ya'll are so sweet and I love them SO MUCH!. I love you both tons and tons and tons:) XOXOXO, MG

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