Thursday, October 29

showing off my handiwork

When Mr. F and I moved
into our first apartment, I was very into dark and dramatic shades of brown, purple and green. I really didn't do much research except for a picture I saw in a Ralph Lauren catalog of a hallway painted a deep eggplant. I thought it was beautiful, and went right out to buy two gallons of eggplant paint. I did love the color, in fact I still do, but for such a teeny apartment, the deep purple had more of a dungeon affect. I decided to repaint a few months ago, and this time I went for about the lightest shade of gray I could find, and I swapped the thick yellow curtains for whispy white ones. I think I got the dark-colored room thing out of my system now, because I don't see myself ever painting another wall anything but white, gray, pale yellow or sea foam green.

Here's the foreboding before (the purple) and the light and airy after (the gray):

And in case you happened to be wondering about that black mirror above the bed, it's a little "after" of it's own! It was originally painted a horrible gold color, but I loved the detail so I rescued it. Here's it's terrifying before:

On the opposite side of the room is a black dresser that I also gussied up. It had definitely seen better days! But all it needed was some sanding, a coat or two of black paint and some shiny new hardware.

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