Friday, June 17

the latest changes

I realized yesterday that it's been a while since I showed some of the changes I've made in the master and guest bedroom. With the constant flow of furniture going in and out of this house, things change weekly, if not daily! Our sea victory painting is now over the bed, I hung a vintage lamp from the ceiling, and those "end tables" are really just old cabinet doors on top of TV tables. Ha! We're building brand new end tables this weekend:)

My office/studio has really evolved into something useful for me, that works well for my needs. This week I put up a floating shelf above the desk, to serve as a place to put all my visual inspiration. My small inspiration cork board just wasn't cutting it anymore!

Doesn't the bullfighter look happy in his new home?

The wall above the bed is currently empty, so I'm working on creating some sort of wall art out of all these counter samples. They're from the 70's, and I can't help but love all the tacky burnt orange and moss green!

As I predicted, I never was really able to give up my habit of using the couch and the kitchen counter as a "desk", so this desk never gets used for office-related things. Lately it's just been used as a sort of work bench, which is working out pretty well. Look at all these awesome furniture pieces I found while I was in Tennessee!

I've been experimenting a lot lately with upholstering furniture in custom-dyed/painted fabric, so I also hung up a little clothesline for my samples, so I can keep track of what I've created:)

PS I've been having sooo much fun pinning with you guys! If you're on Pinterest and we aren't following each other yet, add me!

PPS I've updated my house tour.


  1. So i decided to finally give pinterest a try. Oh. My. I am addicted!! It's great! There's so many projects I want to try before school starts in August. Thanks for reminding us to check it out!

  2. Love everything you're doing here. Especially the floating shelf o'inspiration! The 3 white poms above it really give it a 'Mary Grace' spin! Adorable. And, yes, the bull fighter DOES look happy in his new home. ;)

  3. Now that's a room you can be creative in!! The counter top sample wall art idea is so clever too, I love it!


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