Sunday, June 12

I went to Pat's today, and I thought I'd share a few things that I got while I was there:) I got this frame with the awful duck print in it, and an instructional book on the art of collage-making, which is full of adorable illustrations!

Like this little boat, which I put in the duck-print frame. Isn't it cute?

The best part about the collage book is that on the backside of every color illustration is the black and white instructional side, so I don't have to choose which illustrations to frame, I can frame them all if I want:)

These three below are my favorite.

My husband laughed when I pulled this big, dusty, bull-fighter print out of a pile of frames, but I think he's awesome!

And he only cost 50 cents! 


  1. HEY!!! I LOVE the bull fighter!! How are ya! Love all your new stuff!!


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