Monday, May 9

a tale of two shelves

These shelves were two of the very first things we put on our walls upon moving in here. They started out pretty sparse, as you can see:

Then they got a little more crowded.

And even more crowded ...

And here we have the crowded-ing-est.:

Over the weekend I took everything off of them and stained the boards a using a few coats of a light, natural stain.

I practically had to do a headstand to get this "after" shot of how they turned out!

Then I had fun filling the shelves back up:)

I added some new items and took some old items away. They're probably still a bit too busy-looking, but they're full of things we love, and I do like how much more colorful they are now.

Coming up this week at white waxflower: An OOtD, a lamp make-over, and more!


  1. Love it girly!!! How are ya! I have been so busy lately it isn't even funny!!! BUT THEY LOOK GREAT

  2. looks great! can't wait to see what you do with the lamp.


  3. They totally do pop with the darker the re-do!


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