Wednesday, May 25

I'm pinterested in following you

It took me forever to jump on the bandwagon, but now that I've been on it for a while, I have to say: I HEART PINTEREST!!! And no, not a cent was paid to me to sing Pinterest's praises. I just really, really heart it. Here are a few of my favorite pins:

I got this pin from my buddy Niki over world in a paper cup.

This is a vintage food mill turned into a planter.

I love everything Karla wears, but this outfit is just perfect.

DIY watering can - so smart!

how cute are these DIY poms?

line drawing of William Faulkner by my one of my current favorite artists, Jason Polan.

Love everything about this room, especially the random rope!

Are any of you on Pinterest? Leave me a comment or send me an email so I can follow you! Happy pinning:)


  1. I just got onto Pinterest a little over a week ago and I am hooked! I started off slowly, but now I am adding my own pins and refreshing constantly to see new pins. I love having one place to keep all of the things I love and want to try to make!

    If you want to follow me, I'm here:

  2. Daisies: Consider yourself followed!

  3. Totally loving Pinterest too! I'm here:
    Welcome to the party. :)

  4. I felt the same way when I signed up too! It is such a great site. You can find me here:
    Can't wait to follow you and your boards as well! :)

  5. OOooooo I love all of these pins! I love that pink skirt. I am on pinterest too...I am going to follow you everywhere you pin! :) :) :)

  6. Here's mine:

    I love how I can keep all my ideas/someday projects organized....and actually be able to find the again :)

  7. Followed, all 5 of you! It's so fun seeing all of your pictures, you guys are all so pretty!!!!

  8. Yea! I love Pinterest - it's so much fun and so inspiring!

  9. Ladies,

    Help me out. I just don't get this pin thing. What exactly is it?

    Thanks a bunch.

  10. Oh I love that first one! I am now on Pinterest too, yay! It's so much fun!

  11. I had to come back to say that I LOVE your pinterest! It is just so distinctly YOU. Perfect!

  12. I am so excited that you joined!!! I am there under my twitter account, so not sure if I am Erin Human or ecustomcards... one of those.


Yay! I LOVE when people leave comments:) I seriously get excited over every single one.

I reserve the right to delete your comment if you are being a meany-meany-poopie-head.