Tuesday, April 5

A new pair of chairs have joined the white waxflower household! These funky little guys used to be decked out in some really unfortunate fabric:

The seats were a scratchy, metalic-ish, blue fabric, and the bottoms were a scratchy, leaf (?) patterned fabric.

After searching far and wide for the perfect fabric, I ended up resigning to the fact that I was never going to find exactly what I was looking for, so I hand-painted my own. I love the way the pattern turned out, but I think next time I'll use a different type of fabric, because when the paint dried it made the fabric bunch up and wrinkle. Not a big deal, but the perfectionist in me is annoyed by it!

For fun, I added a quirky touch to the backs of the chair seats ... the primary color of the fabric changes from turquoise to navy to match the navy fabric on the back of the chairs.

Oh, and because I don't want to make a separate post just for this painting, I'm throwing it down here at the bottom of this one:) Check out the little birdy I painted! 

Hope you're having a happy Tuesday!


  1. Awesome! Welcome to the wonderful world of painting your own fabric patterns. I love having my one-of-a-kind painted fabrics. Did you try to press it before putting it on the chair? I had to heat set my fabric paint and the ironing really helped flatten everything out.

  2. The chairs look amazing. You may have a career in fabric design!
    Also, I think the bird painting is wonderful. You should start a series of different birds. :-)

  3. Great job! Im loving all the design posts you've been posting. You're a great inspiration!

  4. very fun! :)love the little bird painting too!

  5. I would have never guessed you painted that fabric! Looks great! And I really love that painting. I find there's nothing quite like artwork you've made yourself - I agree with another comment above, you should make a whole series of them! :)


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