Wednesday, November 10

these boots are made for ... wearing with pretty dresses

These boots belonged to my great-grandmother. I was in college when the new Dukes of Hazzard movie came out, and a cowboy boot craze had swept the campus. I asked my grandmother if she had a pair I could have, and was delighted when she gave me these.

I've had them for five years now, and I still wear them once a week or so, though I prefer to wear them with dresses rather than "Daisy Dukes" ;) I get compliments on them every time I wear them, and I love when people ask where they came from, because it's so fun to tell them that they belonged to my great-grandmother.

Aren't they cute? 


  1. Yes! They are so adorable! Super, super fun.. They have so much character :)

  2. Those are great! All I've gotten from my grandma is her ceramic xmas are way better!

  3. Oh how awesome!! Like previous poster, I too have only ceramic / glass Avon collectibles! LOL They are beautiful.

  4. wow, i love those marygrace. i actually think they are amazing. do you know what year they are from? my cowboy boots are old and i won them on ebay. my first ebay purchase ever. and i wear them constantly.

    your's are great.


  5. Those look so cute with the dress! And so authentic! What an interesting heirloom to have.

  6. Love them! Especially a fan of boots with dresses and skirts. It's kind of like that unexpected rustic piece to throw in when decorating a room--for texture and juxtaposition! -Nicole

  7. Those are great!! They look adorable with the dress. What a fun story behind them too.

    My grandmother had a fabulous pair of cowboy boots that she gave my family in case my sisters or I ever wanted them. Sadly, they were a size 6 and we all ended up in the 7.5 range. Darn feet!

  8. Kelli Ann - Thank you!! I agree, they do!

    Cathy & Andrea - LOL, you guys cracked me up with your ceramic inheritances. Too funny!

    Janet - I'm not sure, but I bet my grandmother would have a guess as to which decade they are from. I'll have to ask her!

    Poly - Thank you! I have Miss Cleo's voice in my head now, thanks to your latest post, haha;)

    Nicole - Yes! That's a great way to explain what's so fun about that look!

    Jacki - Awww, that's too bad! I guess you could always find a clever way to display them? It's so hard to find vintage shoes in my size, I'm a 7.5 as well. I guess women were just smaller back then..

  9. How lucky that you do wear a similar size! I love having one-of-a-kind pieces, and what a neat story behind the boots.

  10. Haha! Miss Cleo! It was definitely the strangest thing to wake up with in my head. And, as you now know, it never does leave once it's in there. ;)

  11. Allison - Thank you! I agree, it's really fortunate that they happen to be my size!

    Poly - LOL, guess we learned the hard way!

    Janet - I spoke with my grandmother, and she thinks that the boots are probably from the early 60's or so:)

  12. Cowgirl boots are a must have in every ladies shoe collection. By the way I adore you style of decorating, it's carefree, looks effortless and collected over time. Keep up the great ideas!

  13. DoodleBugs: Wow, what a nice thing to say! Thank you so much!


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