Tuesday, August 3

handsome prints

These prints have been my latest project for the past few weeks. I'm making a full collection of 10 prints, and I've finally completed them all! I'm introducing today four of them today: the "learning languages" series. They say "I would very much like to learn to speak ___".  There's one for French, one for Italian, one for Spanish and one for English.

I've made a big change to my shop. Now, instead of placing an order for $8 + shipping and getting one paper print in the mail, you pay $3, and you get a password sent to your email that will let you access the PDF file of the print as many times as you want. So for less than half the price, you get an unlimited number of prints. You can also experiment with different color paper, different card stocks, etc. I have purchased things from etsy this way, and I like it so much better. I get to spend a lot less time at the printers and the post office, and you get a lot more bang for your buck. Everyone wins!

I hesitate to link you to my etsy shop, because I haven't been able to photograph all the prints and put them up on the site yet. The 6 other prints I have for sale in my shop just have some "placeholder" pictures up, and the pictures are very low-quality and pixelated so that sneaky people can't just save the image and print it out for free. If you already know how to find my shop, go have a look, but please remember that they don't actually look grainy in person:)

In other news, I am really low on tunes right now. Making new prints means lots of time spent on the computer, and I have made myself sick of all my playlists. Anyone care to leave a comment (or email or tweet) with some songs I could download? I'd appreciate it! New and old tunes alike are welcome:)


  1. anything from the avett brothers or mumford & sons is what I am into right now! I'm not sure what kind of music you like though!

  2. Liz - I'll check them out! I like pretty much everything but honky-tonk type country and R&B.

  3. I second the Avett Brothers recommendation.

  4. I'm really into the whole album of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (who sing "Home") right now. Also, She and Him is great (with Zooey Deschanel from "500 days of summer" and "Elf"). Brandi Carlile is from my hometown and all her albums are great... Lenka, Regina Spektor, A Fine Frenzy... :) I could go on..


Yay! I LOVE when people leave comments:) I seriously get excited over every single one.

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