Monday, July 12

where to hang this thing..

Here's my pretty, pretty portrait. I don't know where to hang it! Help!


or ...



  1. I vote for hanging it over your bed. What a great thing to see before you climb into bed with you honey. Plus you already have the color of the frame as an accent. If you hang it on a side wall I would recommend not hanging it in direct sunlight--it will fade the picture (which it looks like it might be in in your master bedroom.)

  2. I vote for next to your bed, in place of the B&W portraits that are there already. Great photo!

  3. I vote for in the hallway when your going up the stairs...that way everyone that comes to visit can see it!

  4. I agree with Jillian. Hang it in the hallway by the stairs so everyone can see it. It's great portrait and you need to show it off!!!

  5. I agree with Tovah because of the colors.

  6. I agree with Jillian!

  7. Do you think you could hang it in the place of the woman in the portrait in your living room? I love that portrait but I want to make sure everyone can see this fabulous portrait....just an idea! xoxo

  8. hallway! :) but I don't think you can go wrong! I love that color on the frame! so fun!


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