Tuesday, June 29

clearing the clutter

You know that feeling you get when you've gotten your house all spick-and-span for a party? Everything is clean, fluffed up and put away, and you feel like life is just a little more perfect? There's no reason to wait until a party to start enjoying that life-is-beautiful feeling! Here are a few of my favorite tips.

1. Only Keep the "Loves" and "Needs": This one comes courtesy of FlyLady. When deciding what stays and what goes, ask yourself "do I LOVE this?" and "do I NEED this?" If you can't honestly answer yes, throw it out or (better yet) donate it so that it will go to someone who will love it or need it more than you do. Rather than dwelling on yourself and the good memories you have associated with the item, imagine it's new owners and how happy they'll be to have it.

PS Another question I ask myself: "did I even remember that I had this?" If you had forgotten all about it, it probably doesn't mean that much to you!

2. Use Technology: Computers can help get rid of a lot of your clutter. Just think: CDs are probably taking up 3/4 of the storage space in your car right now, when they could be taking up no space at all if you imported them and uploaded them to your iPod. Throw away the burned ones, donate the store-bought ones. Also, taking digital pictures of sentimental items can be a great way to remember them without having to keep them. If you're sentimental about things like the writing on the burned CDs, or your child's old toys, take a picture of it - then throw it out!

3. Buy Boxes: I love the pretty, old-fashioned looking letterboxes like these from Container Store. I once bought 6 for $6 at Wal-Mart, so this isn't something that has to cost a lot. I have one for stationary, one for batteries and cords, one for office supplies, and so on. They're great because you can label them, and they look pretty on a shelf!

4. Move It: Sometimes just moving stuff around can make all the difference in the world. You may find that you have a lot of extra room once you re-box, re-stack and shuffle items more efficiently.

5. Twice a Year and Once a Month: Twice a year, go through every box, drawer, closet and cabinet you have and get rid of as much as you can. We do it every March and September, and it gets easier each time. Mark your calender and join us!
Once a month, take on one small organizing project. You could put a big stack of photos into albums, or take on my project for this month: go CD-less! Just pick something and tackle it.

Bonus tip: I was going to leave this one out, but I think it's important: just dive in! Don't try to whip up a huge master plan, or overwhelm yourself with a long to-do list. Just start de-cluttering something. It gets addictive!

Feel free to leave comments or shoot me an email with your own de-cluttering tips! I'd love to start a monthly feature like this one:)

Some favorite sites for getting inspired and equipped to organize:

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! we've been decluttering around our house, and it is so invigorating to have an organized space... everything has it's own place and I know where everything is!

    I make three piles when I'm decluttering - whether it be clothes from my closet, mail that's piled up, or the junk drawers: keep it, donate (or recycle it), and toss it. it works wonders!


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