Wednesday, June 30

six months of fun

Back in February, The Petersiks over at Young House Love posted this adorable calendar that they made (see photo below). The top of their's was filled with inside jokes that they shared, which were fun to read. They were kind enough to share the photoshop template that they used with everyone, and even though the year is halfway over, I decided I wanted one, too! I wanted to make it my own, with something that was a little more "me".

Luckily for me, my husband is great with photoshop. I emailed him 6 adorable, retro ads that color-coordinated with the colors of the different months on the calendar. Searching for the different ad images was the most fun part, some of them were hilarious. He took out the Petersik's inside jokes, inserted these ads, and voila! These adorable calendars:

The one from November is hilarious. It's an ad for Camel cigarettes, and it breaks down each course of the traditional Thanksgiving meal, and explains why the best thing you can do for yourself and your health is to smoke a Camel cigarette in between each course. The Christmas one shows Mrs. Clause going through a stack of letters addressed to her, and telling Santa that every woman wants an ironing board for Christmas. So funny!

They're the perfect size - just big enough that you can write in the spaces, but small enough to stick on the fridge.

It's been a long time since my little monster giveaway. I think it's time for another one! Leave me a comment, and on Friday I'll draw a winner. The winner gets their very own 6-month, retro ad calendar:)

Good luck!


  1. First comment! I absolutely love those calendars. I love creative people, because I am not one :)

  2. ohhh i'd love one of those calendars! so fun!

  3. What a great giveaway! I love it!

  4. Cute idea. Even if I don't win I'd like to try this out for 2011.

  5. I would love to have one of those calendars! they'd look great on my fridge!

  6. So cute!! Can you teach me how to make one for 2011?!

  7. So cute! You did a great job!

  8. You are an amazing woman !!!! Love it :o)
    and you . . . Aunt B

  9. Those are GREAT! These would be perfect on my new fridge! :)

  10. Ooh those are so cute! Love your blog btw, awesome style!

  11. These are adorable, fab work.

  12. I adore vintage ads and old cigarette ones are hilarious! It was awhile ago that I did this, but I did a vintage photoshoot with this great east coast photog- so much fun!

  13. super cute! I tried to post a second ago but my computer went a little crazy....I'm not sure if it went through

  14. so cute!! it's the perfect size for the refrigerator!

  15. Love! Please count me in! I could use a handy calendar. With our recent special needs doxie, we have a new routine. :)


  16. those look great! my mother was visiting for 2 months after i had my baby and she was complaining we didn't have a calendar hanging anywhere. those are just the ticket!

  17. love retro stuff - what a great take on your inspiration piece!

  18. Those are awesome! Great idea.


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